The Workaround List
There are a few things you are left with after a new Cloud ERP implementation, a nice new and shiny system and the workaround list. After going live and your project team has disbanded, are you revisiting your workaround list or are you simply just accepting it as the new norm?
The cost savings from your new Cloud Based ERP system shouldn’t be offset by time consuming and sometimes problematic workarounds. Just because your ERP system cannot handle your business requirement out of the box, doesn’t mean there aren’t other options for you. Manually populating an FBDI or ADFDI template or having to manually allocate thousands of receipts every month in the UI isn’t a workaround. It’s an inefficiency which comes at a cost to your business.
At CloudX Solutions, we don’t believe in the workaround list.
CloudX Hub is our Oracle Cloud ERP connector and the heart of our solution. By using standard Web Services and REST API’s we can communicate directly with Oracle. We can rapidly extract, transformation and load back into your Oracle Fusion ERP system.